The Library has organized events in promoting digital scholarship research and there was the first Digital Scholarship Symposium held in Digital Scholarship Lab in March 2017 as a celebration of the first anniversary of the Lab.


Exploring Digital Scholarship Research at CUHK and Beyond

Date: 31 March 2017 (Friday)

DS Symposium 2017The first DS Symposium was held on 31 March 2017 to celebrate the 1st anniversary of Digital Scholarship Lab at University Library.  Scholars invited have shared their research projects about data visualizationdevelopment of digital museumGIS and development of historical database for online access. Over 60 participants joined the half day symposium while in the afternoon there was a workshop on China Biographical Database (CBDB).


Speakers and presentation information:


Digital Scholarship Symposium 2017 DS Symposium 2017 Prof. Michelle Ye DS Symosium 2017 Prof. Lai Chi-tim


DS Symposium 2017 Post-symposium CBDB workshop

The post-symposium workshop in the afternoon by Dr. TSUI who has presented China Biographical Database (CBDB) in the morning introduced the use and incorporation in other tools such as MARKUS for China studies.  The digital tools presented in the workshop sparked very lively discussion among participants.  More photos about the symposium can be found here.

Read the blog post of the symposium and photos can be found here.