Established in 1963, the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) has a rich and significant intellectual history, and has played an important role in the development of Hong Kong. To preserve CUHK’s history the CUHK University Archives was established in December 2015 under the auspices of the CUHK Library. Its mission is to systematically collect, preserve and make available University records of enduring historical value, for research, teaching, learning, or administrative use and sharing of cultural heritage. The University Archives is a platform where historical resources about CUHK are preserved for use by the greater CUHK community and public.
Examples of the records collected are meeting minutes, papers, reports, and internal as well as external correspondences. These records are especially important because they often reveal the history and critical decisions which shaped the development of the University. Besides documents, the repository also includes photos, publications, artefacts, audio-visual materials, etc. which capture important events, ceremonies and campus life. Selected items of historic significance are on display in the CUHK History Gallery. The Gallery, on the ground floor of the University Library, exhibits the history, memorable moments and achievements of CUHK.
To facilitate access, some printed items, such as press releases of 1980s-2000s and campus development plans, have been digitized and are available in our Digital Repository.

CUHK History LibGuide
Related Links:
Contribute to COVID-19 CUHK Community Archive
Chung Chi College Archive
New Asia History Gallery
CPRO Publications Digital Archive
Telephone: (852) 3943 8603