Almost all CUHK faculty, staff and students are eligible to use HKALL.

The HKALL hold/loan quota will be counted in your total loan quota and only be released when items are returned and checked in by the lending library.

Eligible Users HKALL Hold/Loan quota HKALL Loan Periods HKALL Maximum Loan Periods*
Undergraduate students 15 15 days 45 days
Postgraduate students 15 30 days 90 days
Research staff 30 30 days 90 days
Teaching staff (Terms A) 30 30 days 90 days
Teaching staff (Terms B) 30 30 days 90 days
Administrative staff (Terms A) 30 30 days 90 days
Emeritus professors 30 30 days 90 days
Executives (Terms B) 15 15 days 45 days
General staff (Terms B) 15 15 days 45 days

* All borrowed HKALL loans may be renewed up to the maximum loan period if they are not recalled by the lending library. Borrowers can renew their loans in person or online via My Library Record anytime before the due date. The new due date is calculated from the date of renewal.